Save Energy

Save Energy

Eliminate Energy Waste:

  • Install LED Lights - LED lights can be 90 percent more efficient than the old, traditional lights and will end up saving you money in the long run. Try LED Christmas lights to save on your winter bills too.
  • Only run on full - Run your dishwasher or washing machine with a full load to ensure you are getting the best bang for your buck. 
  • Change air filters on a regular basis - Dirty filters won't allow your heating system or air conditioning system to work most efficiently. 
  • Hang your laundry to dry - Summer time is a perfect way to take advantage of energy savings. Hang that laundry out in the sun and don't think about the energy bill adding up.
  • Unplug - Unplug electronics, air conditioners, water features and other items when they aren't being used. All of these items are consuming energy when they are plugged in, even if the object is turned off.
  • Turn off lights when you aren't around - Turning off the lights in rooms you aren't in will help reduce energy waste.
  • Shorten your shower - It takes energy to heat up the water for your shower. If you can shorten your shower by a few minutes each day it can really start saving you money. 
  • Adjust temperatures - When you aren't home or even when you are sleeping, try adjusting the thermostat a couple degrees. Each degree is estimated to save a customer 2 percent. You can also adjust the temperature in your fridge or freezer to save. A water heater can be one of the most expensive parts of a energy bill. The Department of Energy recommends setting your heater at 120 F. 
  • Make use of a fan - Fans keep air circulating and can move heat or cool air into different rooms, making the heater or air conditioner work less.
  • Keep the vents, heaters and air conditioners clear - Make sure your heat or cooling sources are clear of any objects that may prevent the heat or cool air from moving. Blocking a vent could cause the heater or air conditioner to work extra hard and pile on the money.

Water Conservation Hints:

  • Make every drop count in the summer. In the summer, water consumption more than doubles, and much of it is used on lawns and gardens. Water is a valuable resource, and we must use it wisely. Here are a few hints to help you make every drop count.
  • Lawns like to get thirsty. Most lawns need about an inch of water a week – or every three days if its really hot and dry. Use the tuna can method to measure how long it takes your lawn to get an inch of water.
  • If it doesn’t grow, don’t water it. If you’re watering your sidewalks, adjust or replace your sprinklers. Water only as fast as your ground can absorb.
  • Water early in the morning or in the evening. Your lawn gets more water because less evaporates.
  • Wash the car, not the gutter. A running hose uses at least 100 gallons every 20 minutes. A sudsy bucket and a hose rinse with a shutoff nozzle can do the job with 15 gallons, period, or go to a car wash that recycles their water.

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